Australian state toughens anti-smoking laws (AFP)
AFP - Smokers in Australia's biggest city, already hounded out of bars and restaurants, will now be banned from smoking in their own cars if children are passengers, authorities announced Wednesday.
How do 41 million Americans respond to pharmaceutical drugs found in their drinking water? 70% who were polled are very concerned! Unfortunately, the biggest surprise wasn't just the pharmaceuticals, it was in not revealing the whole truth about our water.
Resolution? To me there is one choice for pharmaceuticals and hormones, Granulated Active Carbon (GAC is sand like granulated material/media) , derived from coconuts and coal,. GAC (coconut based) in my opinion the single most effective purification media for prescription, over the counter medications, and hormone therapy type drugs. However, having said that, it is also important to note that the various Kinetic Degradation Fluxion media (KDF) i.e., KDF 85, 55, F and C also play a major role in purification and oxidation reduction, not to mention KDF's electro-chemical reaction that makes most water issues benign.
Some experts would disagree with me and indicate reverse osmosis would be a better choice. I challenge this for two reasons, one because coconut based carbon in the right measurement and application, leave no detectable levels and is enhanced through partnering with KDF 85, 55, F & C, and, the core issue is that our water is contaminated. PLUS, employing reverse osmosis only exacerbates the water issue because whether it be point of use (under counter water storage canisters) or commercial use (huge storage canisters), the truth is that for every 5 gallons brought through reverse osmosis, which you pay for, you reap a little less or more than of it, the balance is a concentrated cesspool of contaminated water which goes back into the environment through the sewer system, leaving a bigger water issue for everyone else.
Bottled water is not a good option for a variety of reasons. The bottled water industry is enjoying financial benefits with all of the water news today, but the reports tell us bottled water is not what it is purported to be and we must employ "buyer beware". Combined with the carbon footprint, the hassle to shop, purchase, transport home from the store, plus storage and on top of that, worry about the leaching of plastic, all leaves bottled water to be a poor alternative and is way beyond what we can do on a long term basis.
In addition, drinking water is important, but the water we bath in (hot water with chemicals can create a gas which we breathe in and absorb through the dermal layers of our skin), is equally if not more important than the water we drink.
The only solution in my mind is for each of us to assume the responsibility of purifying our water, either by a whole house system which employs all 4 KDF and GAC of coconut and coal, and/or if you are under financial restrictions, a purification countertop for drinking, cooking, plus showerheads.
Every water municipality in the world is trying to figure out how to resolve our water challenges. The truth is, reporting requirements are not what they need to be, by the time we are told there is an issue, it's too late, we have drank the water.
Did you know that less than 1% of the world's water is ingestible and that even that 1% needs to be purified before we can drink it - there is very little choice other than to begin the process of becoming educated in your options. There is no pure water on our planet today.
My advice is to not just buy for today, but pay forward for a system for the next several years and that will resolve whatever water challenges come to light. But don't overpay, simple is better, easy to install, easy to exchange purification canisters, don't buy into backwash, softeners, and all the hooplah attached to the myriad of systems sold through the installation professionals, go to water experts. We've taken the time to research, to prepare, to develop proprietary processes that best serve purity, water pressure and installation ease. More than $1500 for a whole house system that goes a year or 35,000 gallons is, in my opinion, too much.
My focus is whole body, I look for the best of the best to cut to the chase and get us back on track. And, having said that, it's obvious to me we must take our health into our own hands.
Here are the three common denominators that face us today:
• Our water is our most valued resource but is degraded and must be purified, and that responsibility is ours. We must realize it's a necessity to self purify the water throughout our homes, businesses, schools, hospitals.
• Our children (for the first time in history) will have a shorter life span than us, as a result of disease and from my research, total degradation of the food, water and air. We must begin to realize the importance of supplementation - it is the difference between what we require (nutritionally) from our food and water and what we are receiving. Supplementation must be whole food based.
• The degradation of the nutrition in our food goes back to not taking care of our waters and soils. However, all of that was especially harmed after World War II, when we lost the basis of our organic fresh food to chemicals, not to mention the birth of commercially canned food, processed food, and generally a fast food nation of eaters. We must impose the basic principals of less is more when there is high nutrition, buy better, not bigger.
Bottom line is water purity is a personal issue now, as is our food, our manufacturers, providers and environments don't have to dictate our choices, and mostly, our issues have become bigger than our ability to resolve them unless we do our part and become educated - and soon!
Let's start with water: Contaminanats, pollutants, bacteria, and more are multiplying in our water supply faster than we can test for them. Think about the fact Santa Ana California installed a toilet to tap system this year, and that Water Tech reveals that of 373,628 poll respondents, the majority - 70 percent - said they were "very" concerned and just 9 said "not at all."
Contact me anytime, pH balance, pure water, and achieving good health is my passion and my mission, I welcome comments.
Water is one of our three key elements (water, food, air) of health and survival - please take heed and begin your approach today!
About the Author:
Maraline Krey is CEO, BioGro Products LLC, and Senior Executive at InnerLight WW; both are Health Based Nutritional Products Companies with a pH Body Balance focus. Learn about water at and
In addition, Maraline is passionate about pure water, is a Nutritional Products Specialist, recognized pH Body Balance Coach, Guest Speaks at a variety of health focused events, can be heard on live radio and web radio, Author of various health articles, and is working on her first book. You can hear her most recent health focused discussion on Web Radio at
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